Articles on media
Albanian Media Koha net : Muzeu “Gjethi”, muzeu i përgjimeve në Tiranë • KOHA “Muzeu Gjethi”, nis bashkëpunimin me Berlin-Hohenschonhausen Vizion Plus: Projekti për muzeun “Gjethi” ATSh:Ministria e Kulturës, gati projekti “Muzeu Gjethi” me Berlin ... Gazeta Tema: “Gjethi”, një muze për të fshehtat e Sigurimit të Shtetit para dhe pas ... Opinion : Përgjuesi i komunizmit kthehet tek “Shtëpia e Gjetheve” Top channel: Muzeu i përgjimeve Gazeta Shqiptare: Muzeu “Gjethi”, çfarë do [...]
Speech of Prime Minister Edi Rama at the opening of the National Spy Museum, “The House with Leaves”:
In my view, this is a very important moment of the culmination of a great deal of work carried out to give life to this Museum, in a location which history had determined to be a place where young mothers should give birth to their children, and then it transformed it into a place where fear was generated every day and was propagated from the walls of the leaves house. There are many [...]
Prologue: The story of the house
The House of Leaves was a maternity hospital at the beginning. It was built in 1931 as an obstetric clinic at the initiative of the distinguished physician Dr. Jani Basho and it was run by him. It is the first of this kind in Albania and this has been its function during the thirties. During the early postwar years, the House of Leaves was used as an investigation center, thus also as a [...]
Sector 01: Bugs and other creatures
The technique is neutral only when it is not in use. Electronic interception is a technique used to control people. Control purpose depends on the type of regime. Interception is as the regime is. Special funds were provided for the purchase of costly surveillance equipment and protocol agreements between allied states were signed for the specialization or training of employees of the technical and scientific branch. In this sector visitors will [...]
Sector 02: Living microphones
The electronic interception work is closely linked to Security agents, the living microphones. Usually, they preceded the electronic microphones with information, and in many cases, they carried the bugs in talks with potential to be arrested. A statistic presented in one of the museum rooms shows about the four categories of collaborators, the number for each category over the years, etc. Related to this statistic, visitors will be acquainted with declassified documents for [...]
Sector 03: What is the enemy?
Perception of enemy determines the control and repression manners. Conversely, these ways reinforce the perception on the enemy. The vicious circle of totalitarian dynamics. In the rooms of this sector, visitors will get acquainted with some of the most sensational trials during communist dictatorships accompanied by photos of these court proceedings. One of the rooms is dedicated to the long list of innocent people who were imprisoned or executed for political [...]