Transparency Program 2017-08-12T06:34:52+00:00

Prices-Days off-Schedules

Tickets: ENTRY TICKETS: 700 ALL FREE ADMISSION DAYS: April 18 – International Day for Monuments and Sites and the World Cultural Heritage Day May 18 -  International Museums Day May 21  - World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development June 5 - World Environment Day  September 27- World Tourism Day  September 29 - National Cultural Heritage Day November 28 - Independence Day of Albania Last Sunday of every month (except June - July - August) FREE ENTRANCE FEE: Official statedelegations. Members of the ICOM – ICOMOS Museums’ professional staff Journalists. Tour Guides [...]

History of the Museum

Museum of Secret Surveillance: “House of Leaves” The building known as the "House of Leaves" (so called because of the clambering plant covering its facade) has now returned to the Museum of Secret Surveillance. Opened on 23rd of May, it is the newest museum in Albania and certainly the most intriguing one that tries to narrate to young people and to foreigners, one of the darkest periods of the country's history. Located in [...]


The Ministry of Culture successfully completed the muzealization of the building, collaborating with Studio Terragni Architetti Como - New York, Studio XY comm, Milano, State Information Service, Archive of the Ministry of Interior, Albanian Telegraphic Agency, Albanian Institute for Persecuted People, Institute for the Studies of Communist Crimes and Consequences in Albania, The Albanian Rehabilitation Centre for Trauma and Torture, Albanian Human Right Project, Foundation Culture Europe, National Library of Albania, Central State [...]