Youth of the European Youth Parliament,visited the National Museum of Secret Surveillance: “House of Leaves” in the framework of the international forum “Dajti 2019”
On the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the toppling of Enver Hoxha's statue, in the National Museum of the Secret Surveillance "House of Leaves" was developed the activity "Dealing with the past". This activity, attended by the Ambassador of Switzerland in Albania, Christophe Graf, was developed in English language. In the greeting speech, the Director of the Museum, Etleva Demollari said: "There are two reasons why this activity is titled "Dealing with the Past". Firstly because this is the title of short documentary films realized by the Marubi Film and Multimedia Academy with the help of Embassy of Switzerland [...]
Yesterday, the National Museum of the Secret Surveillance "House of Leaves" in cooperation with the OSCE Presence in Albania, held a seminar with witnesses of communist persecution. This seminar, within the museum's educational programs, aims to train witnesses of communist persecution in Albania on how to accompany pupils and students during visits to the museum. Also, this training serves to create a standard format for the program "Remember for not forgetting". At the end of the seminar, participants were given certificates.
In my view, this is a very important moment of the culmination of a great deal of work carried out to give life to this Museum, in a location which history had determined to be a place where young mothers should give birth to their children, and then it transformed it into a place where fear was generated every day and was propagated from the walls of the leaves house. There are many sayings about the relationship of the past with the future. I choose one of them, which reads: “Lucky they who know what they should remember of the [...]
"Remembering the mistakes of the past is the right way to not repeat them".Alberto Cutillo, Ambassador of Italy
The German Ambassador to Albania, Susanne Schütz visited today the "House of Leaves" Seminar Museum.
"It's hard to confess this story, and you're doing this part of the story for the next generations." Donald Lu 06/04/2017
U hap për publikun Muzeu Kombëtar i Përgjimeve “Shtëpia me Gjethe”, godina e mistershme që prej 45 viteve mbuluar nga gjethet iu fsheh syrit të publikut dhe ku u përgjuan, kontrolluan dhe spiunuan njerëz të pafajshëm nga regjimi komunist. “Shtëpia me Gjethe”, e kthyer në Muze të memories me mbështetjen e Kryeministrit dhe projekt të Ministrisë së Kulturës, është dëshmia më therëse e një regjimi që synonte kontrollin total mbi trupat e shpirtrat e njerëzve. Në ceremoninë e hapjes merrnin pjesë Kryeministri z. Edi Rama, Ministrja e Kulturës, znj. Mirela Kumbaro, përfaqësues të trupit diplomatik në Shqipëri, ish të përndjekur, [...]