About us 2017-08-12T06:35:46+00:00

Sector 01: Bugs and other creatures

The technique is neutral only when it is not in use. Electronic   interception   is   a   technique   used   to control people.  Control   purpose depends   on the   type of regime. Interception is as the regime is. Special funds were provided for the purchase of costly surveillance equipment and protocol agreements between allied states were signed for the specialization or training of employees of the technical and scientific branch. In this sector visitors will be acquainted with the features of the [...]

History of the Museum

Museum of Secret Surveillance: “House of Leaves” The building known as the "House of Leaves" (so called because of the clambering plant covering its facade) has now returned to the Museum of Secret Surveillance. Opened on 23rd of May, it is the newest museum in Albania and certainly the most intriguing one that tries to narrate to young people and to foreigners, one of the darkest periods of the country's history. Located in the center of Tirana, in front of [...]

Hapet Muzeu Kombëtar i Përgjimeve “Shtëpia me Gjethe”.

U hap për publikun Muzeu Kombëtar i Përgjimeve “Shtëpia me Gjethe”, godina e mistershme që prej 45 viteve mbuluar nga gjethet iu fsheh syrit të publikut dhe ku u përgjuan, kontrolluan dhe spiunuan njerëz të pafajshëm nga regjimi komunist. “Shtëpia me Gjethe”, e kthyer në Muze të memories me mbështetjen e Kryeministrit dhe projekt të Ministrisë së Kulturës, është dëshmia më therëse e një regjimi që synonte kontrollin total mbi trupat e shpirtrat e njerëzve. Në ceremoninë e hapjes merrnin [...]